Category Archives: Featured Photos

Red-Tailed Hawk


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Let Sleeping Wolves Lie

Isn’t she beautiful!  This is actually a full-grown grey wolf sleeping peacefully.  Looks like she is having a pleasant dream.  

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Robin, Welcome Spring!

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A Difference Kind of Snowflake

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The Nativity

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Water Lilies in Fall Photo

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Ducks in the Water

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Eastern Bluebird Photo

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Rainbow in the Clouds

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Independence Day Fireworks Photo

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Young Lions

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Brown Thrasher Basking in the Sun

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Beautiful Backyard Bunny

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Christmas Cabin Decorated for Christmas

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Christmas Tree in Paris

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Monarch Butterflies on Coneflowers

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Pacing Tiger

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The Road Ahead

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Riding on the Memphis Belle

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4th of July Fireworks Photo

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A Walk in the Park

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